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Cel mai tare brand in Marea Britanie

Tags: brand, marea britanie, cel mai cool brand, aston martin, apple, google

Spre surprinderea multora, titlul de "coolest brand in the U.K.", adica de cel mai grozav brand, nu apartine unui produs nou sau unui retailer renumit. A fost adjudecat de Aston Martin, producatorul de masini sport de lux care este pe piata din 1913, scrie Business Insider.
Aceasta este concluzia unei firme britanice de consultanta, Center for Brand Analysis. Pe langa Aston Martin, in top au mai intrat relativ putine branduri votate ca fiind “cool” si care sunt nascute si crescute in Regat.
Brand-uri americane ca Levi si Apple au fost apreciate ca fiind tari in domeniul fashion, respectiv tech, in timp ce brand-uri din alte parti ale Europei, ca Jean Paul Gaultier si Dom Perignon, si-au dominat industriile.
Rezultatele sondajului anual, intitulat CoolBrands, iau in considerare raspunsurile a peste 2.000 de consumatori britanici si un esantion de experti, scrie Telegraph.

GUINNESS a fost votat cel mai cool producator de bere si de cidru.

GUINNESS was voted the coolest beer and cider maker
ROLEX - cel mai cool producator de accesorii fashion.

ROLEX was voted the coolest fashion accessory maker
ALEXANDER McQUEEN - cel mai cool fashion designer.

ALEXANDER McQUEEN was voted the coolest fashion designer
AMERICAN EXPRESS - cel mai cool furnizor de servicii financiare.

AMERICAN EXPRESS was voted the coolest financial services provider
PLAYSTATION - cel mai cool brand in industria jocurilor video si a jucariilor.

PLAYSTATION was voted the coolest brand among games and toys
THE FAT DUCK - cel mai cool brand dintre toate restaurantele si cafenelele.

THE FAT DUCK was voted the coolest among restaurants and coffee shops
THE TATE MODERN - cea mai cool atractie din Marea Britanie.

THE TATE MODERN was voted the coolest U.K. attraction
GOOGLE - cel mai cool brand online.

GOOGLE was voted the coolest online brand
NIKE - cel mai cool brand pentru echipament si accesorii sportive.

NIKE was voted the coolest brand for sportswear and equipment
APPLE - cel mai cool brand de tehnologie.

APPLE was voted the coolest technology brand
VIRGIN ATLANTIC - cel mai cool brand intre companiile de transport.

VIRGIN ATLANTIC was voted the coolest brand among travel companies

Autor: Alina Negrutiu

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